Wednesday, September 23, 2009

what kind of nerd are you? (week 9 lec)

This refers to stock markets in Western nations who saw their equity value rise rapidly from growth in the more recent Internet sector and related fields. A group of new Internet-based companies commonly referred to as dot-coms. You see, the Companies were seeing their stock prices shoot up if they simply added an "e-" prefix to their name and/or a ".com" to the end, which one author called "prefix investing. The thing is that while the compaines were trying to advance themselves, they were changing a lot of things.

In the Utopian sense, change can be good, but building virtual buildings and tearing them down was not such a success. We got to look on and just by comparing yahoo ten years back, to now is like. WOW! major success from snooze ville to actual action happening. The site now doesnt put you to sleep. On the other hand, basically the most used search engine 'Google' hasn't really evolved much in terms of appearance of site, in fact, its nearly exactly the same as it was ten years ago. Which isn't a bad thing i might ad.

Our speaker for the day Jason Nelson, a very interesting, slightly abnormal character I'd like to add. I'm not sure if it was just me, but i coudn't really get the gist of his humour, if I was an I.T geek maybe I would have had a better chance. The games he created were pretty obscure in a sense, poetic, and outragiuos. They were to poetry poetry within topics themselves,
I admit, I even had a crack at his games, and maybe the word 'interesting' would be the understatement of the year, they certainly suit his character of insanity.

There is this site that is purely just about cats, nothing else, just cats..weird right? right! unsuccessful? no! not at all. in fact those types of social sites are one of the main sites which get a lot of views, especially if they have comment boxes for poeple to communicate with each other in. Now you might see this as pathetic and typical for I.T to only communicate over the net with their other nerdy nerd friends, but in fact, the people that are socializing out in the real world, are doing the same thing, they just arent doing it through a computer,
In the end, communication and what people live for. No Matter how they get it.
what social nerd are you?


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