Wednesday, September 23, 2009

(week 8 tute)

Sign a Petition.

What is Barak Obama up to today?

He's apparently still in the UN. How unusual.

Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
STATE: Anna Blighe
FEDERAL: Kevin Rudd
However i found it hard to find my Local representative. Sorry.

Read the lecture and the readings, pursue a couple of the topics that you find most interesting and then post your blog with your well-considered thoughts about the theory and practice of politics.

I think bascially what i find so interesting when doing the blogs for topics/readings each week, is that each and everyone of us has the opportunity to write our oppnion on them, and not to mention to speak as freely as we want about them too. By also reading other blogs posted about the same topics gives me even more insight of the different points of views that can be recognized by variuos people. Although there are points that arent considered factual, it doesnt create the feeling of widening your vision on specifc knowledge. The Bloggin life is great!

What do you think of the Government's plans to censor the internet the so called "Clean Feed"?

Here's the scoop. The Australia Federal Government is trying to put forward for the Internet Service Providers [ISPs] to censor the Internet for all Australians. Which is clearly going to slow down internet access for a start and going to waste millions and millions of taxpayer money. Smart move guys.

What place does censorship have in a democracy?

It's basically a censor that scans websites and blocks those on a blacklist. They claim its to "prevent child pornography" when a. anyone determined enough to find it, will find it easily. b. more than half the websites blocked don't even have illegal content, they are just either political websites which the government doesn't like or websites which show a general disregard for the social norm such as 4chan. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) maintains a blacklist, since leaked of websites which would form the basis for the mandatory filter. It has threatened fines of $11,000 per day to at least one website hosted in Australia which contained a link to material on this blacklist. In my opinion it is pretty pathetic, they are just men with no idea how the internet actually works, and because they wanna prevent us from accessing information which allows freedom of speech.
They should at least allow the public to either vote on it, or to be able to not censor their own internet if they so choose


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